I taught math at a Catholic middle school and wore a skirt above my knees. I was 20. The head sister kindly explained to me that 13-14 year old boys did NOT need to see knees of young teachers. Math scores improved.

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"Math scores improved"!!

Love it!

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Black Patent Leather Shoes Reflect Up! 😫

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Don't give anyone ideas Jeff or there will be mirror toe shoes.

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let the record show that presentation of agp fetishism is a choice. to group this choice with the immutable characteristics of protected groups such as race, sex or sexuality is hate speech against ethnic minorities, women and gays. agp fetishism is part of an addiction, enabled by porn addiction that is so common. this addiction is similar to a drug or alcohol addiction, and has nothing to do with gender. this man does not have gender dysphoria. he has a thrill addiction, the thrill of exposing his fetish to unwilling unconsenting children

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Yes, and it sounds to be in the same league as "drag queen storytime for kids" with the same OTT prosthetic breasts and siren Widow Twankey image: mockery of women. Adult male fetishists getting their sexual kicks from performing in front of children.

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Has this information changed my views on this teacher? No.

My view has always been that this person does not belong anywhere near a classroom.

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(Same, Heyjude.)

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This update to the story is definitely changing my views: I'm learning to cease being shocked and abandon all hope of a near-term return to sanity!

Seriously though, this is what happens in totalitarian societies. All the incentives point towards increasingly extreme beliefs, words, and actions in support of goodthink, people will do anything to avoid censure and cognitive dissonance, and it becomes impossible to combat the bottomless lies of the regime.

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"it becomes impossible to combat the bottomless lies of the regime."

I am afraid we are nearing that point, yes, unless we grab hold of reality pretty soon.

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I doubt he's an autogynophile. The most likely explanation, given the ridiculous extremity of his get-up, is that he's trolling. The woke brainworm has lost touch with reality to such a degree that he figured he could pull a very obvious prank like this, and have the school board falling all over itself to validate him.

A recent interview:


did nothing to change my mind about this. In it, he claims to be intersex, and goes on to insist that the breasts are entirely real - he suffers from gigantomastia. The entire thing is deliberately absurd, and everyone is falling for it.

I find it all very amusing.

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Autogynephiles often insist bizarre things exactly like this (J Yaniv for example). I don’t think he is trolling, although I’ve heard that hypothesis before.

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It's possible. Yaniv is indeed an interesting case. Although in Yaniv's case, there's a whole history of very creepy and weird sex pest behavior. Haven't seen anything comparable for this guy.

Either way if the school board had any serious people in it this would have ended on day one.

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I guess everyone, including Lemieux, needs to start somewhere. ;)

Like other addicts, they tend to escalate over time.

Yes, I blame the school board more than anyone in this. 100%

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A classic example of TFW when your political/philosophical beliefs hit the rocky shoals of reality. Common sense fixes the problem. But then I’m a senior citizen, so I maybe I just don’t understand...

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I’m afraid I don’t find it amusing at all.

He is doing this to kids. Whatever the reason for his actions, it’s not in the least bit amusing.

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It will affect the children's attitudes to breasts. Might make them hate breasts.

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The Rule of Goats applies well here, e.g., even if you claim you're only fucking goats ironically (or to own the libs, or to make a point about wokeness)... you're still a goatfucker.

I don't really care about this person's underlying motivation, and whether he's getting off sexually vs. trolling. He's inflicting creepy sexualized behavior on a captive audience of kids.

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Exactly right. But that’s how so many get tangled up in their own webs on this issue. They claim that underlying motivation does matter, that someone can “identify” as something that in reality they are not, and that this “identity” should be respected. In progressive thinking, not only should motivation matter, it is the primary consideration. And then Mr Gigantic Prosthetic Breasts shows them where this thinking leads, whether deliberate or not.

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Exactly. Imagine they were real. An actual woman wouldn't get away with it for a second. And these dimwits damn well know it. They've created standards so flexible they have no meaning. Even a kindergartener could see it. Wait, forget I said that

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He’s said in a media interview that the breasts are 100% real.

But yes no one has breasts that big and if they did, they wouldn’t be emotionally invested in flaunting them in front of their students.

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They are real something but not real flesh.

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Good point.

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I agree. It doesn't seem like a sexual thing to go around in mundane activities in daylight like that.

I also can't imagine that it's harming high schoolers. They probably see it as weird/funny, but aren't sexually traumatized or anything.

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To me it’s not so much as whether they are sexually traumatized but whether the kids can be used as a passive audience for this guy’s sexual kicks. No.

And it’s grossly inappropriate. If the teacher wore a bikini it would be just as ridiculous and inappropriate.

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I certainly agree that it's ridiculous and inappropriate. I'm just wary about the "think of the children!" vibe that always fuels moral panics.

The issue here is the extent to which the administration has allowed its hands to be tied, and it could apply to any workplace.

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Have we really come to a point where this kind of behavior for a middle school teacher is no big deal, just weird and funny?

How about doing weird and funny outside the classroom on his own time? Oh wait, that’s when the weird and funny behavior stops.

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Strange isn’t it?

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At the very least it gives high schoolers the impression that it's not only perfectly alright to parodize women in extremely sexualized ways but that this also protected by the law and immune to any form of criticism.

Would we allow a Christian fundamentalist teacher to behave in the same manner?

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I don't think they're learning some general rule as much as seeing this one weirdo. But yes, they are seeing how the school system has to handle it.

(I can't imagine a Christian fundamentalist doing this, but yeah, the school system seems bound by their own policies to allow it.)

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Christian fundamentalists would of course not be doing the same thing - but they also have their ways of forcing everyone to "affirming" them, i.e. to have everyone accept their attempts to proselytize etc.

Let's say we have a recently "born again" teacher. For him - or her - this religious experience is certainly as deep and as life changing as "transition" was for "our" teacher in question. He or she will be as emotionally invested in this, and breaking the immersion would likely be as deeply frustrating as not accepting "our" teacher's transition would have been for him.

Well, no democratic society would accept that any "born again" teacher would walk around a public school announcing his religious experience to anyone, nor would any democratic society allow him or her to teach in a manner that would force his religious beliefs on his or her students. Such as starting class with prayer or what have you. This would not happen.

And if he or she announces distress over that, we'd say: Take it or leave it. Your personal problem, not ours.

And let's be honest: There is a myriad other ways in which public institutions accomodate Christian fundamentalists as it is, but even for them, there are limits.

Not so, apparenty, for proponents of transideology.

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The comparison to Christian (or any other religious) beliefs is apt.

We allow people to have their own beliefs but not impose them on others, especially in public spaces.

Somehow with trans that’s…become a blind spot and an exception.

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"trolling" is probably not a bad bet, though it might also be something of a political statement.

Moot of course what that might be but it may relate to what Terry-Thomas -- in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World" -- referred to as America's "fixation on bosoms". I'm certainly not one to pass up "gratuitous titillation" -- so to speak -- but one might reasonably argue that too many women -- and transwomen for that matter -- tend to go hog-wild on that score; often more distracting than not.

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It's obviously political trolling. My guess is that after the school year is over he has a press conference and detonates it in the face of the Halton District School Board, with the intention of making the pronoun mafia look thoroughly ridiculous. But we'll see.

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To me, gentlemen, it's just as obvious that it's not political trolling, and the guy is sick.

He fits the autogynophilic, not-reality-based, sexual acting out to a T.

I wish he were trolling.

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It could be I'm just being too incredulous that someone could be a) this delusional and b) allowed around kids. As cynical as I am, I'm often told I'm not cynical enough. I think if this continues much beyond one school year, he's not trolling.

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You know of Poe's law?

"Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture saying that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied."


Sure -- "fits", to some extent. But so hyperbolic as to be almost unmistakable -- to most people (not really a shot ...) -- as a clear parody, as a political statement.

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(1) This guy is acting out in real life, not online.

(2) The over-the-top parodic nature of the claims / behavior is not uncommon with AGP.

We can agree to disagree.

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It's ambiguous enough that at this point, I certainly have to admit that both interpretations are possible.

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Funnily enough as soon as you dropped the word "Autogynephilia" you were marked as a bigot. I wrote some comments before on my experiences with those people in real life - even dating.

This word starts having the same connotation like being a sexist / transphobe and you know that basically makes you a racist and nazi at the same time (😉) especially in extreme trans territory.

I could tell you a couple of people right now who would've started crying saying how disappointed they were etc. just from saying "Autogynephilia'.

Let's say it again "Autogynephilia" is a real condition.

Keep speaking up - I always read your entries as soon as I find the time. It's a pleasure!

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Thanks GermanMan! :)

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Yes to all of this. How is Lemieux different from Louis CK, who imposed his kink on nonconsenting women who were in his power?

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Eek! That’s a good and very creepy comparison.

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I would like to know how many children are being pulled from the school due to this.

Sadly the only way those institutions understand it is, if the money stops flowing.

"Send your children to us we are super progressive $$$"

One can only hope it ends up like the M-She-U else I don't see a change soon.

Good education shouldn't depend on money anymore, at least in civilized countries.

Apart from the tragedy, I can't help myself giggling every time I see this dude, because it's basically a prank we always wanted to pull off as children (change breast for huge wang).

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>An anonymous former student claims the teacher, now known as Kayla Lemieux, was on the verge of being fired last year as a man for “toxic masculinity” and “not embracing woke culture,” Rebel News reports in a video posted online.

>“He’s now upping the ante to exploit the very clown world the school and society itself has created,” said the student in a social post, adding that Lemieux’s goal is to get fired to set up a lawsuit.



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no. he is a creepy freak like the rest of them. end of story.

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Saw this the other day and was hoping you'd follow up on it. This increases the odds of "greatest troll ever", though big negative points for doing it in front of kids

Looking at it seriously (a strange phenomenon to begin with), it appears the district either fired or suspended him, but only after the normal attire came to light. Why now apply different standards? He hadn't changed his behavior in school. Is a non-binary person subject to different rules than someone identifying consistently as male or female? What about those in the other 70 categories?

That's not even a rhetorical question unfortunately. Application of rules by motivation creates perhaps the slipperiest slope yet

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Feb 20, 2023
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I still think they have an out, if the teacher can dress like a woman, but be held to the same standards of dress and decorum as other teachers.

Not that they seem to be looking for an out.

They're too busy congratulating themselves.

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I guess that the children get in trouble if they taunt this teacher.

Taunting, showing disapproval, that such flaunting is not okay would have worked back in the day.

The teacher isn't going up town with appendages as he would be ridiculed and scoffed at for sure.

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