Sep 4, 2022Liked by The 21st Century Salonnière

Thank you for the update. Appalling internet/social media behavior, which has become commonplace from what I understand.

I can’t imagine what her family, friends, and her community are going through. My sincere condolences to all.

It’s well past time for us to examine our conscience as a society.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by The 21st Century Salonnière

Nature abhors a vacuum, they say. LE, of course, has not helped - claiming to have a video of Kiely wearing the Odd Future hoodie, but giving us a library image, rather than a still, for example.

But there are questions unanswered... The timeline from 0025-0040H makes no sense, because it requires Kiely to drive Sanctuary-Lake-Sanctuary, in 6' from Elsa Pekarek's sighting at 0030H in order for Kiely's phone to ping at the Lake at 0033H, and then be back in time to call Sami at 0036H.

That isn't possible without using the TARDIS. So, either Elsa and/or Sami is lying, or Kiely wasn't at the Lake at 0033H, but her phone was... I don't like to be a conspiracist, but I didn't construct that timeline!

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by The 21st Century Salonnière

Love your TCCC analogy. Kind of perfect. They really do not think they are causing harm and if they know they are they do not care. They take a theory then arrange facts afterward. Problem is the will deny and argue with scientific facts about cases and still hound people they think are guilty. I will say 1 thing that is fact and one that is my read of a person. If 1 window was half way down and the other either rolled down or broken out (might not be anything suspicious, could be from when car rolled over and hit rock on bottom) she could have floated to back. Either with or without current she could have floated to back. Now that is really the only fact besides her car was found upside down, in 14 feet of water and she was in the back. Really everything else is speculation. Fights, kids acting strange, or coverups, come on all high schools are dramavilles. Someone hears the word cops and watch kids flee. Her friend not riding with her for whatever reason, happens all the time and as long as she was not involved in anything sneaky will carry that pain with her the rest of her life. Any speculation is just people guessing and causing problems. Anything besides car found, she was in it, and it was upside down 14 days after she was at a party is just guessing and people should leave this poor town and people alone. Then if more facts are released half these TCCC's are going to scream coverup and still cyber attack who they think did it. Without facts its all guessing. My next comment is a speculation from my experience with people. That Nick guy is FOS. He wanted to be in front of camera and name said.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by The 21st Century Salonnière

Also, watching that AWP video interview with the roadside assistance guy...I don't know. He really reads as sincere/straightforward to me. I wouldn't rule out him being mistaken, by any means, but I really think he's telling the truth as he understands it. Maybe they don't have dashcams and the timeline was never updated because they couldn't confirm it?

[Edit: Never mind, he said they do have dashcams, so I don't know. It's weird, for sure.]

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by The 21st Century Salonnière

"Yes, the new hypothesis in some TCCC circles is that Kiely never existed, or had a different name, or was her grandfather’s daughter."

I think once the postulations being put forward hit a certain level of outlandishness (the ones in the above quote would qualify, in my opinion), the people doing the postulation are, most likely, conspiracy theorists. And to be overly blunt, I suspect a lot of conspiracy theorists are mentally unwell. And I say this as a person with a close family member to whom this characterization would apply. I watched the journey as they descended deeper into their obsessions, becoming increasingly out of touch with reality, over a long period of time.

If we were looking at a single mentally unstable individual making wild claims, we'd probably view that as sad, but something to be expected, in a way. The claims are still weird, but in context, it's *not* weird that this person is making them. But that's not how we encounter this phenomenon anymore. On the Internet, a case of this nature is going to disproportionately attract a certain kind of (unstable) personality, prone to making and believing wild, irresponsible, and downright irrational claims. The staggering number of people who will engage in this way can make the behavior seem more widespread or normal than it really is. In reality, we're looking at hundreds (or even thousands) of accreted mentally unstable people making accordingly unstable claims. And, in theory, we should view it the same way we would view an unstable individual making such claims (sad but expected, given the relevant context), but our brains aren't really built to intuit this. As is likewise true of the Internet in so many other domains, the sheer quantity of people involved can skew our perceptions of the dynamics at play.

To be clear, this comment is not a criticism of your analysis, just me trying to offer my two cents on a particular aspect of the phenomenon. Also, none of what I've said is meant to excuse the kind of behavior you describe. (Particularly given that many or even most of these people are not true-blue conspiracy theorists in the first place, but rather just sensationalistic trauma tourists or opportunists cashing in on people's morbid curiosity.) It also doesn't make all of this stuff any less distressing to the people impacted, and that's worth emphasizing. But I think it does go a long way toward explaining why it occurs and maybe toward placing *some* of it more in the category of unfortunate and pitiable, rather than willfully negligent or malevolent. It doesn't make the consequences any better, but it is just the tiniest bit easier for me to accept people being ill than being evil. I never want that to blind me to genuine malignancy, but I'll take the mitigation when it occurs honestly, if that makes sense.

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